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Avoid Speeding Tickets

Your online guide to Bear Traps (Speed Traps) and Exits for all the Interstate Highways of the United States.  When traveling the Intestate Highway System, check here for driving tips. 
Bears are creatures of habit

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Reported April 14, 2002 by Ernie


Interstate 90 in Pennsylvania,  Mile Marker 45 near State Line.

Ernie reports: "Bears like to sit in the median, IMMEDIATELY within the state line, to catch westbound drivers entering from New York State.  Especially popular trap on holidays."  This sounds like the traditional State Line Drug Interdiction program where they are looking for drugs entering the State.  They pay for this with traffic citations.

There are 7 specific "Situations" where you can find bears because they are creatures of habit.  Read my book Bear Traps On The Interstate and learn Bears tricks

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